Advanced courses


4 Stunden an 1-2 Tagen, 2 - 4 Personen

Wenn der Wasserstart noch nicht klappt, oder deine letzten Versuche etwas zurück liegen, dann ist der Aufbaukurs genau die richtige Wahl. Wir bauen auf deinen bestehenden Fertigkeiten auf und bringen dich zielsicher aufs Brett.

Der Kurs wiederholt alle theoretischen und praktischen Inhalte der Schirmsteuerung und des Bodydrags. Wenn du sicher zurecht kommst, dann geht es mit dem Wasserstart und das sichere Fahren der ersten Meter weitergehen.

Sobald du eigenständig fahren und kontrolliert anhalten kannst bist du bereit Material zu mieten und alleine zu ueben.

Theoretische Grundlagen (Bodydrag, Wasserstart + Fahren)
Praxistraining Bodydrag, Wasserstart + Fahren
Tipps + Tricks zu Fahr- und Flugtechnik
Individuelle Inhalte

255,00 €

Advanced Course and rental package

If you would like to continue practicing on your own after the course, you can book one of our discounted packages which includes equipment rental. You have a huge variety to choose from in our rental store. These packages are always better value compared to single bookings at the station.

Extended intermediate courses

Advanced Course + 1 day equipment rental
4 hours over 1-2 days plus 1 day equipment rental
355,00 € Book
Advanced Course + 3 days equip
4h over 1-2 days plus 3 days equipment rental
474,00 € Book
Advanced Course + 6 days equipment rental
4h over 1-2 days plus 6 days equipment rental
634,00 € Book
Advanced Course + 8 days equipment rental
4h over 1-2 days plus 8 days equipment rental
689,00 € Book
Advanced Course + 13 days equipment rental
4h over 1-2 days plus 13 days equipment rental
824,00 € Book

The KBC kite-event consists of a week of lessons taught by our professional and licensed VDWS- instructors. The event offers you a wide range of activities and targets kiters of all levels: beginners, intermediates and even experienced kiters.
Unluckily we offe the KBC Kite Event only in German language.

KBC Event El Gouna

7 days kite event with 6 days tuition (each level), 1 day free practice time + storage plus VDWS licence and event lycra.

  • 6 days tuition by the KBC teaching team (approx. 5 hours per day and free practice time)
  • 1 day free practice time
  • English and/or German language
  • VDWS kitesurfing licence or upgrade
  • KBC Event-Lycra
  • Storage during the event for your own kites and boards.
  • Please note: If you do not have your own kites and board, please book the "Upgrade Materialpool Event".

Please state your kite level when booking.

If there is a windless day or a day with too much wind over 25 knots, we will do alternative activities together, such as theory sessions, stand up paddling in the lagoons, snorkelling on the reefs, equipment knowledge and selfrescue. The activities are included in the event price. Therefore, we do not issue vouchers for windless days at events.

489,00 €

Upgrade Materialpool Event

7 days material pool for the kite camp: kites and boards from F-ONE.


Equipment rental during the Kite Event. This offer is only valid in connection with the booking of the Kite Event and cannot be booked separately.

179,00 €

Equipment insurance
Your kite equipment is insured during the course. However, as soon as you start training on your own, we recommend you take out insurance, e.g. the "Safety Tool" from the VDWS for only 39 euros per year. You can take out this on site - just let us know.